Diabetes-Symptoms and Causes


diaType 1 Diabetes means:

A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy. The far more common type 2 diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin or doesn’t make enough insulin.


Type 1 diabetes signs and symptoms can come on quickly and may include:

  • Increased thirst and frequent urination
  • Extreme hunger
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision


The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown. In most people with type 1 diabetes, the body’s own immune system — which normally fights harmful bacteria and viruses — mistakenly destroys the insulin-producing (islet) cells in the pancreas. Genetics may play a role in this process, and exposure to certain viruses may trigger the disease.

Is it Curable?

Despite active research, type 1 diabetes has no cure, although it can be monitored with a blood glucose monitor and managed with various lifestyle choices. With proper treatment, people who have type 1 diabetes can expect to live longer, healthier lives than they did in the past.

When to see a doctor
Consult your doctor if you notice any type 1 diabetes signs and symptoms

Low Blood Pressure-Symptoms,Causes,Recording and Treatment



Low blood pressure (Low BP) – Hypotension

Hypotension or Low blood pressure or Low BP is a condition which is very common amongst the Indian populace. Very common symptoms of low BP are fainting & dizziness. However in severe cases it can also become life-threatening.

What is Low Blood Pressure (Low BP)?

Blood pressure is a measurement of the pressure in your arteries during the active and resting phases of each heartbeat. Here’s what the numbers mean:

Systolic pressure : The first (top) number in a blood pressure reading, this is the amount of pressure your heart generates when pumping blood through your arteries to the rest of your body.

Diastolic pressure: The second (bottom) number in a blood pressure reading, this refers to the amount of pressure in your arteries when your heart is at rest between beats.

As per current guidelines, normal blood pressure as equal to or lower than 120/80 mmHg — 115/75 mmHg is considered even better by experts.

Blood pressure varies from individual to individual, however one can get an accurate BP reading at any given time. It might vary in a very short span of time for instance it might vary from one heartbeat to another and is dependent on positioning of body, breathing rhythm, level of stress, physical conditions, medications, food, drinks, even the time of the day.

If a blood pressure top reading  is 90 mm Hg or less (systolic blood pressure) or the bottom reading is 60mm Hg or less (diastolic blood pressure), then it is considered as low blood pressure (Low BP) condition.

Low BP can be caused by less severe medical conditions like dehydration and can also occur from intense medical or surgical disorders. If the causative factors and conditions of Low blood pressure are found out properly, it can be treated well.

Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure

In few individuals, low blood pressure might occur as an underlying problem, happens mostly in the cases where the BP drops suddenly or else can be identified by the following signs and symptoms:

  • Giddiness or Light-headedness
  • Fainting (syncope)
  • Lack of concentration
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea
  • Cold, clammy, pale skin
  • Rapid, shallow breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Thirst


In most of the cases, Low blood pressure isn’t serious. A Doctor routinely monitors during medical examinations/consults, individuals who feel fine but have consistent low readings.Symptoms like fainting or dizziness can also be a resultant of mild dehydration during summers. In such situations what matters is how fast your blood pressure drops, than how far it drops to.

However, if an individual experiences any of the above mentioned signs & symptoms of Low BP, it is important to seek medical advice. Sometimes, low BP condition can point out to intense medical conditions.  Record keeping of symptoms – their occurrence & time of occurrence can help the doctor to identify the right cause of Low BP.

Low Blood Pressure can occur to anyone; however there is a certain population which remains at more risk due to certain factors like pregnancy, diabetes, age, etc. Read our next article to know more on Low Blood Pressure.

Asthma Care During Monsoons



Cloudy Weather, Cloudy Lungs

Asthma care during Monsoons

Monsoon has brought us much awaited respite from long spell of burning summer heat. With roads puddle soaked, muddy clad, glistening trees, and umbrellas; all one wants is some warmth within the blankets accompanied by bountiful hot beverages and food.

The initial days of monsoons, bring in a charming effect with its serene drizzles and soothing cool breeze, making us feel that everything is perfect, but as it gets more dark and cloudy, one needs to be more concerned about the health issues that arise during the rainy season.

For asthma patients, the care has to be more intense as it is observed that during this season the asthma episodes become more frequent and severe.

Monsoon affects on Asthmatic Populace

Asthmatic population is superfluously more susceptible to the changes in the environment and for this reason requires more attention.


  • Humidity: More the humidity, the more the fungal growth in the surroundings. These fungal growths in form of molds or spores are allergens and hence a trouble for asthmatic people.
  • Cold Surroundings: Change in temperature also acts as a trigger to asthma.
  • Mighty Mites: It’s the flourishing season for house dust mites, hence a hike in asthma symptoms, especially in children.
  • Common Flu: As monsoon brings in multifarious viral, bacterial and fungal infections. A cold, cough, fever is common, these aid to worsen the symptoms of asthma.
  • Pet Affair: Your beloved pets mostly remain indoors during this season; this will get you more of pet dander and hence causes the allergens to reach you.
  • Polluted Air: Rains amplify the pollution in air due to non-dispersal of suspended particles and precipitation of dissolved chemicals like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, and which may perhaps be unswerving irritants to asthmatics.

The Facts!

“Asthma is a disease of the industrialised 21st century. The big picture of India’s asthmatic populace is gross. It is estimated that by 2020, India will be the world’s capital for asthma with already 15- 20 million people already affected. It is also been found in some recent studies that, living in damp areas/houses double the risk of developing asthma.

Prevention is better than Cure

Before you cure it, you can prevent it. So keep your asthma attacks at bay by taking these simple measures.

Be regular with your medications – Missing a single dose of your prescribed medications will make you more prone to the causative factors, so take you meds without fail. Consult your Doctor beforehand in case you have a chronic asthma.

Change the Lifestyle –

  • Avoid Moisture: Keep the water prone areas like bathrooms, kitchens, windows and doors closed as well as use adequate matting in the house to avoid moisture come in. Place moisture soaking agents like silica in the beds and upholstery.
  • Ventilation: Keep a check on ventilation. Air breeze can bring in more allergens inside as well as poor ventilation causes the fungus to grow. Use Dehumidifiers if your surroundings are humid.
  • Fungicides: Use fungicidal treatment & disinfectants periodically to avoid fungal growth.
  • Keep Indoors: Stay indoors as much as possible, to avoid the polluted air.
  • Check Pet Dander: Restrict your pet area and wash them weekly, vaccum the animal dander frequently if you have a carpet at home.

Don’t let the cloudy weather, cloud your lungs with allergens and steal from you the best of monsoons. Be prepared and fight with them.

We wish you happy monsoons and asthma free life! Stay healthy!